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weLOG #3: 3… 2… 1… Launching soon!

Writer's picture: Ian Shimizu-PugheIan Shimizu-Pughe

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

Hola friends 👋

We have a video for you.

What you saw is what’s called an alpha version of the app. It’s basically a rough sketch of what we dream of eventually creating.

When will the app be in your hands? Mark this on your calendar − December 20th.

Between now and then, we’re going to refine a few features, touch up on the aesthetics, and then − ka-boom − launch!

Will the beta be perfect? Far from it. But it’s never too early to start making an impact, and it’s important to get feedback from you. Rollin’ the feedback → iterate loop; that’s how we improve!

In other weMORI news, Alex, co-founder, has arrived in Mexico! It’s strange to see him roaming freely out of the screen.

Oh, and remember the OpenIdeo prize I asked your help for last week? Thanks to you, we’re at first place with 60+ hearts! Now, we sit and wait until December 1st to find out who wins.

Do you have a recommendation on how to make the weLOG better? Anything you want to tell me? Let us know here, or reply directly to this email!

It would be great to hear from you.

Thanks always for your support,



Affordable healthcare for all!

Could be good for forests. Why? Let me tell you − A fascinating study by Stanford found that after the opening of a nonprofit health clinic, illegal logging near Gunung Palung National Park in Borneo decreased by 70% compared to control sites. As it turns out, people were illegally felling forests to buy medicine. The study opens a completely new paradigm to conservation. Fascinating.

Korindo, no no.

In Asia, an investigation revealed that Korindo, a Korean-Indonesian palm oil conglomerate, has been illegally burning forests in Papua. That’s not good, because Papua, the easternmost and biggest province of Indonesia, is one of the final bastions of huge, untouched rainforests in the world. Watch the investigation video by Forensic Architecture. It’s an oily story.

Giraffes or no giraffes...

That is the question. Because unbeknownst to most, their population is declining. Only 100,000 adults remain in the wild; that’s a 40% decline in 30 years. Now, the youth are taking to social media with the hashtag #standtallforgiraffes to raise awareness and demand a closure of the U.S. market for giraffe parts. Wait… Giraffe parts?! Yes, Giraffe parts.

The heat is on the meat

And for good reason. Animal agriculture fuels 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and cattle breeding is the biggest contributor to deforestation in the Amazon. Guess who’s the newest celebrity joining this thorny convo? The Dalai Lama. In a recent interview he said we should “promote vegetarianism as much as we can”.

Hexxon vs. Crysta...

Is not a Supreme court case you haven't heard of. It’s actually the theme of an animation film called FernGully: The Last Rainforest. This dazzlingly beautiful, romantic 1992 masterpiece about life and destruction in the jungle is now more relevant than ever. Did I cry at the end? … n … n … yes.

Would you live with ostriches?

Check out this impressive video by Amsterdam based architecture group GG-loop. Their concept living complex MITOSIS looks like an incredible system. Nature & carbon positive living. And ostriches. Yes.

That’s everything for this week! Thanks for reading to the end.

Oh, and feel free to forward this to a friend, or ask them to sign up from our website!

Buenas Noches!



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