Dear all,
Tomorrow is a big day.
The weMORI beta is releasing. In about 24 hours, you’ll be able to download it from the app store.
Before going any further, let us take a deep breath.
And reminisce.
In May 2019 I bumped into Alex in Yakushima, a misty island in south Japan with a forest home to massive, 2000 year old cedar trees. Alex was an app UX designer. I was an environmental activist. By fall that year, we were working on weMORI together.
Long days and long nights, every day and every night. That was the mode of work then. We had something we wanted to do, we had some funding, so we marched onwards.
Then COVID hit. The promised funding disappeared from beneath us. We were in freefall. Lots happened. The few months after March were hard.
But for some reason we didn’t stop. Within the hardship was a firm, burning resolve to continue. There was something here that was worth the countless challenges.
Gasping, we arrived at the crowdfunding campaign. And you all supported us. That’s what allows us to be here now, announcing the beta. It’s profound.
Phew. Deep breath again.
Making the beta has been fun. Yesterday, I finished up texts for the projects that will be available in the app. Learning and writing about the places we’ll be protecting together has been exhilarating.
What gives me the deepest joy, though, is the thought that starting tomorrow, we begin making a real, tangible impact. Forests are actually going to be protected and restored. It’s the start of a new chapter for us.
The app at beta launch is simple. It has an elementary version of the primary features of weMORI. Those are:
Funding projects
Seeing Impact
One feature I’ve really grown to love is the stickers. They’re cut outs of life from the forest which you can get when you fund projects. I think they’re a great education tool. I hope you find it exciting to learn about the creatures you’ll collect.
Since this is a beta, expect constant updates between now and Earth Day 2021 (that’s April 22nd) when we plan to launch with weMORI 1.0. In the meantime, we would love to get your feedback. You’ll find a feedback survey inside the app. Do shoot us some comments.
Alright. Less than 20 more hours to go!
At 20:00 CET tomorrow, we’ll send you further updates.
Thank you all. We’re only here because of you.